209 4th Ave
Asbury Park, NJ
Local onde o Jon começou tocando com as bandas The Rest, Atlantic City Expressway ou simplesmente John Bongiovi and The Wild Ones no período de 1978 - 1981
Em 1980, A Atlantic City Expressway tocava covers do Bruce e do Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes, quando nessa noite quem estava no bar era o próprio Bruce e então a banda começou a tocar The Promised Land e então Bruce subiu ao palco, pela primeira vez com o Jon.
Mais fotos: BJ Places
Infelizmente foi demolido em julho/2013 para dar lugar a um estacionamento.
The Fast Lane, a legendary bar/nightclub/music venue in Asbury Park.
History by: Stan Goldstein - http://www.nj.com/ entertainment/music/ index.ssf/2013/07/ asbury_parks_fast_lane_come s_to_a_dead_end.html
On January 9, 1980, we were checking out a band called Atlantic City Expressway. "You'll like them," my friend Billy Smith from Neptune told me. "They have a horn section and play Springsteen and Southside Johnny covers."
Atlantic City Expressway had a young, energetic lead singer who was running around the stage. There were maybe 100 people in the Fast Lane and soon we noticed that Bruce Springsteen was among the small crowd, just hanging out at a back bar.
When Atlantic City Expressway started to play "The Promised Land," Bruce jumped onstage to sing along for only about a minute or so. A Springsteen sighting in a bar was (and still is) always exciting, and to see him sing along on one of his songs was really cool.
More photos: BJ Places
More photos: BJ Places
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